Prise de position sur Mumbaï

Du Dr. William F. Vendley
Secrétaire Général International de Religions pour la paix

Statement on Mumbai
from the Office of the Secretary General

2 December 2008

All sincere religious believers around the world in Religions for Peace are united in condemning last week’s horrific acts of terror in Mumbai and in extending their solidarity to the victims, their families, and the peoples of India. Such assaults on innocent lives are attacks on human life and dignity everywhere.

Whenever religious differences or identities are manipulated and misused to ferment violence and discord, the importance of the Religions for Peace mission to advance cooperation among religious communities for peace is further underscored. Religions for Peace seeks common action for peace to both prevent and rapidly respond to such acts of terror.

Religions for Peace respectfully calls upon all religious believers of good will to join in the common work of building peace.

William F. Vendley

Prise de position des Religions pour la paix-Europe.

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