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Refaire la France Replay dy débat aux Bernardins.

Sur l'Islam, débat entre Remi Brague et Ghaleb Bencheikh. Replay du débat aux Bernardins. Cliquer.

L'Islam et la liberté de conscience - Fondation de l'islam de France.
Si vous n'avez pas pu assister à ce Colloque en direct, il est visible en Replay sur la video de la Fondation de l'Islam de France ( cliquer )

Le Cri de la Paix, Religions et Cultures en dialogue, Rome 23 au 25 octobre 2022.
Avec Sant'Egidio. Autour de la guerre en Ukraine.
Video de l'Assemblée inaugurale, le 23 octobre 2022"
Frère Alois de Taizé : La prière comme source de paix. Cliquer.

- Vidéo de la conférence donnée le mercredi 17 novembre 2021 , animée par Mgr Jean-Marc Aveline, archevêque de Marseille, et Mme Nayla Tabbara, présidente de la fondation libanaise Adyan et professeure à l'Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth.

- Vidéo de l'hommage-prière interconvictionnelle pour les victimes de la pandémie par l'association Agir pour la Fraternité.Paris 15e (cliquer)

- Mardi 5 février 2021 : vidéo-conférence :Fondacio, La dimension spirituelle des enjeux actuels, regards croisés ; juif, catholique, musulmane"> Revoir la rencontre du 5 février.

Vidéo à revoir : Cultiver la paix avec Louis Massignon.

Publié le Oct 16, 2009 - 12:21 AM
Vivre ensemble

Restoring dignity
End violence against women

A Message from Dr. William F. Vendley
Secretary General, Religions for Peace

Violence against women is wrong. We know—each according to her or his respective religious tradition—that the true dignity of every woman is a “gift from God.” This gift of dignity is inviolable. It is not given by cultures, states, societies, communities or individuals. It cannot be taken away by them. But this dignity—which is the true beauty of being a person—must be actively respected, protected and honored.

Violence against women is prevalent. Individuals engage in violence against women, but there are also cultural and social patterns that reinforce or appear to justify individuals’ acts of violence. Some have interpreted their religious traditions as supporting these patterns of violence. Honesty calls us to acknowledge that this is wrong. Violence against woman is a direct assault on the positive vision of peace that is central to each of our respective religious traditions. As religious believers committed to cooperating for peace, we need to work together to uphold the inviolable dignity of women and girls by defending them from violence.

Religions for Peace is grateful for and proud of the leadership of women of faith in facing this challenge. However, it is one to be shouldered by all religious believers—men and women. Through the power of multi-religious collaboration, religious leaders and believers can work together to uphold the dignity of every human person.

Religions for Peace is launching a multi-year initiative: Restoring Dignity—End Violence Against Women. I personally invite you to join in supporting this important initiative.

Kindly anticipate that Ms. Jacqueline Ogega, Director of the Women's Mobilization Program, will be contacting you with specific details in the future.

With appreciation for your leadership and partnership in this important work,

I remain sincerely yours,

Dr. William F. Vendley
Secretary General

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Transmission des valeurs dans le catholicisme.